We are excited to confirm that St Croix will be hosting the Pan American Seniors Chess Championship 2018 from Dec 7th to Dec 14th.

Despite the damage that was caused by the Hurricanes in September 2017 the islands are open for business – and we  very cordially invite you to experience what St Croix has to offer! We have been able to secure an incredible rate at the hotel – however, there will be reduced amenities available due to ongoing rebuilding work. Regardless, there is plenty to see and to do on the island, including distillery tours, culinary adventures and plenty of sporting opportunities like golf and diving. If you would like to find out more please contact us and we will be able to assist you with further details – you will be able to sample Island Life to the fullest on your day off.

Hotel reservations may be made using a credit card by contacting Courtney at CMixon@divicarina.com 

Invitations have been sent out to all eligible federations of the Pan American Federations. All relevant information will be provided in this document.

The registration deadline November 14th, 2018 at 12pm (Eastern Time GMT -4).

Please do reach out to us with any questions: usvichess@gmail.com

The official website of the USVI Chess Federation